8月30日,国际知名学术期刊Cell Research在线发表了厦门大学生科院韩家淮教授课题组的最新研究成果“pyroptosis is driven by non-selective gasdermin-D pore and its morphology is different from MLKL channel-mediated necroptosis”,揭示了Gasdermin-D (GSDMD)的N-端功能区域在激活后富集到细胞膜并进一步形成孔洞从而促进细胞发生炎性死亡-细胞焦亡(pyroptosis);通过与细胞坏死比较,发现焦亡的细胞具有截然不同的形态特征,会产生类似凋亡小体的囊泡状结构,将其命名为焦亡小体(pyroptotic body)。

程序性细胞坏死(Necroptosis)和细胞焦亡(pyroptosis)是最近几年在细胞死亡领域的研究热点,越来越多的实验证据表明这两种细胞死亡方式与机体先天免疫反应、炎症相关疾病的发生发展等关系密切。但是,与我们熟知的细胞凋亡相比,这两种细胞死亡在形态特征界定、分子效应机制等方面还存在很多未知的关键科学问题。韩家淮教授课题组在细胞死亡领域做出了许多重要的原创性研究发现,包括关键开关分子RIp3介导细胞程序性坏死(Zhang et al. Science. 2009)和效应分子MLKL作用机制(Chen et al. Cell Res. 2014)等。

去年,韩家淮教授课题组同国际上另外两家实验室都报道了细胞焦亡的重要介导因子GSDMD的发现(Shi et al. Nature. 2015; Kayagaki et al. Nature. 2015; He et al. Cell Res. 2015)。但是对于其具体的分子机制还不清楚,迫切需要进一步阐明(Wallach et al. Science. 2016)。


这些结论与同时期的其他几个实验室的研究工作类似(Ding et al. Nature. 2016; Liu et al. Nature. 2016; Aglietti et al. proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2016; Sborgi et al. EMBO J. 2016)。MLKL介导的细胞坏死和GSDMD介导的细胞焦亡在诸多方面具有一定相似性,如亲脂性效应分子都形成多聚体并定位到细胞膜,细胞膜都发生破裂并伴随内容物的释放等。





pyroptosis is driven by non-selective gasdermin-D pore and its morphology is different from MLKL channel-mediated necroptosis

Necroptosis and pyroptosis are two forms of programmed cell death with a common feature of plasma membrane rupture. Here we studied the morphology and mechanism of pyroptosis in comparison with necroptosis. Different from necroptosis, pyroptosis undergoes membrane blebbing and produces apoptotic body-like cell protrusions (termed pyroptotic bodies) prior to plasma membrane rupture. The rupture in necroptosis is explosion-like, whereas in pyroptosis it leads to flattening of cells. It is known that the execution of necroptosis is mediated by mixed lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) oligomers in the plasma membrane, whereas gasdermin-D (GSDMD) mediates pyroptosis after its cleavage by caspase-1 or caspase-11. We show that N-terminal fragment of GSDMD (GSDMD-N) generated by caspase cleavage also forms oligomer and migrates to the plasma membrane to kill cells. Both MLKL and GSDMD-N are lipophilic and the N-terminal sequences of both proteins are important for their oligomerization and plasma membrane translocation. Unlike MLKL which forms channels on the plasma membrane that induces influx of selected ions which osmotically swell the cells to burst, GSDMD-N forms non-selective pores and does not rely on increased osmolarity to disrupt cells. Our study reveals the pore-forming activity of GSDMD and channel-forming activity of MLKL determine different ways of plasma membrane rupture in pyroptosis and necroptosis.