中国解放军总医院(301医院)韩卫东教授和来自美国凯斯西储大学的研究人员,在国际癌症研究领域著名期刊《Clinical Cancer Research》发表题为“Genetic and methylation-induced loss of miR-181a2/181b2 within chr9q33.3 facilitate tumor growth of cervical cancer through pIK3R3/Akt/FoxO signaling pathway”的研究论文。这项研究探讨了miR-181a2/181b2在宫颈癌中所发挥的抑癌作用,并为宫颈癌的治疗指出了新的途径。点击阅读韩卫东教授相关研究:Jpathol:应用ExiqonmicroRNA芯片研究结直肠癌。



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miR-181a-2(miR -181a2)和miR -181b-2(miR -181b2)位于缺失的chr9q31-33区域,属于miR-181家族。四个高度保守的成熟miRNA成员——miR-181a、18b、181c和181d,分别来自位于三条不同染色体上的六个前体细胞:miR-181a-1和miR -181b-1在染色体1p32.1上,miR-181a-2和miR-181b-2位于染色体9q33.3上,miR-181c和miR-181d位于染色体19p13.12上。最近新兴的数据表明,miR-181家族在一些肿瘤中是解除控制的,并在癌症进展中扮演着重要的角色。



Genetic and methylation-induced loss of miR-181a2/181b2 within chr9q33.3 facilitate tumor growth of cervical cancer through pIK3R3/Akt/FoxO signaling pathway.
Loss of Chr9q31-33 is one of the most common chromosome imbalances of cervical cancer, but the underlying mechanism has not been well documented.

The loss of heterozygosity (LOH) status of Chr9q31-33 was investigated utilizing 26 microsatellite markers. We detected the expression of miR-181a2/181b2 by qRT-pCR analysis of cervical cancer cell lines and 100 paired tumor samples and corresponding adjacent non-tumor tissues. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard regression analysis were performed to identify the prognostic value of miR-181a2/181b2. Regulation of expression was analyzed by methylation-specific pCR. The tumor suppressing effects of miR-181a2/181b2 were determined in vitro and in vivo The target gene and signaling pathway mediated the function of miR-181a2/181b2 were also identified.

Chr9q33.3 was identified as one of the most deleted regions in cervical cancer. Under-expression of miR-181a2/181b2 was detected in 46% of cervical caner, and was induced by LOH of chr9q33.3 and promoter hypermethylation. Attenuated miR-181a2/181b2 expression predicted a poor prognostic phenotype and advanced clinical stage of cervical cancer. miR-181a2/181b2 prominently dampened cell cycle progression, suppressed cell growth and promoted apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro They also effectively impeded tumor formation and growth in vivo miR-181a2/181b2 exert the tumor suppressor ability by depressing direct target pIK3R3 (p55γ) and consequently modulating pIK3R3/Akt/FoxO signaling pathway.

We demonstrated a cause-and-effect event beginning from loss of chr9q33.3, a frequent event in cervical cancer, to the under-expression of miR-181a2/181b2, leading to the elevated activation of pI3K pathway.