肩突硬蜱(Ixodes scapularis)又称黑足蜱(blacklegged tick),是广泛分布、相当危险的吸血生物,硬蜱可以传播很多疾病,包括臭名昭著的莱姆病。它产生的毒液中含有大量的神经多肽毒素,可特异性作用于宿主离子通道,使宿主无法感受疼痛,从而不易被察觉。


该研究成果以A sodium channel inhibitor ISTX-I with a novel structure provides a new hint at the evolutionary link between two toxin folds 为题在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)发表。容明强、刘将新和张美玲为该文的共同第一作者。该项目得到了国家自然科学基金(31400642,31260208等)、云南省应用基础研究计划(2011FB132,2015FB170等)、中科院“西部之光”等基金资助。



A sodium channel inhibitor ISTX-I with a novel structure provides a new hint at the evolutionary link between two toxin folds

Members of arachnida, such as spiders and scorpions, commonly produce venom with specialized venom glands, paralyzing their prey with neurotoxins that specifically target ion channels. Two well-studied motifs, the disulfide-directed hairpin (DDH) and the inhibitor cystine knot motif (ICK), are both found in scorpion and spider toxins. As arachnids, ticks inject a neurotoxin-containing cocktail from their salivary glands into the host to acquire a blood meal, but peptide toxins acting on ion channels have not been observed in ticks. Here, a new neurotoxin (ISTX-I) that acts on sodium channels was identified from the hard tick Ixodes scapularis and characterized. ISTX-I exhibits a potent inhibitory function with an IC50 of 1.6 μM for sodium channel Nav1.7 but not other sodium channel subtypes. ISTX-I adopts a novel structural fold and is distinct from the canonical ICK motif. Analysis of the ISTX-I, DDH and ICK motifs reveals that the new ISTX-I motif might be an intermediate scaffold between DDH and ICK, and ISTX-I is a clue to the evolutionary link between the DDH and ICK motifs. These results provide a glimpse into the convergent evolution of neurotoxins from predatory and blood-sucking arthropods.