南京大学模式动物研究所的徐璎课题组与第二军医大学章卫平课题组的研究者共同合作,发现锌指蛋白ZBTB20是调控小鼠早晚活动峰的关键分子。这一发现被标题为“Loss of ZBTB20 impairs circadian output and leads to unimodal behavioral rhythms”,刊登在9月21日出版的国际生物和医学领域权威杂志eLIFE上。本文的第一作者是南京大学博士研究生瞿志鹏和二军大博士生研究生张海。


在新的研究中,徐璎课题组利用章卫平课题组产生的ZBTB20敲除小鼠,发现ZBTB20通过调控生物钟核心起搏器视交叉神经核(SCN)中的prokineticin Receptor 2(pROKR2)神经元的表达而影响早晚活动峰。ZBTB20缺失的小鼠表现出完全失去晚峰活动,而且出现了早峰增强的现象,进而说明早晚峰的活动是相互偶联的。当这些早晚峰受到损害的时候,小鼠适应模拟季节日长短的能力也收到了限制。


徐璎课题组主要从事哺乳动物生物钟分子机制研究,多年来一直关注于生物钟周期长短和幅度的调控网络(相关阅读:Shi et al. 2013年pNAS, Yan et al. 2014年NAR, Shi et al. 2016年 Cell Reports)以及生物钟对输出系统的生理行为调控(Wang et al., 2010年 EMBO J, Liu et al.,2014 年Cell Reports)的研究。


Loss of ZBTB20 impairs circadian output and leads to unimodal behavioral rhythms

Many animals display morning and evening bimodal activities in the day/night cycle. However, little is known regarding the potential components involved in the regulation of bimodal behavioral rhythms in mammals. Here, we identified that the zinc finger protein gene Zbtb20 plays a crucial role in the regulation of bimodal activities in mice. Depletion of Zbtb20 in nerve system resulted in the loss of early evening activity, but the increase of morning activity. We found that Zbtb20-deficient mice exhibited a pronounced decrease in the expression of prokr2 and resembled phenotypes of prok2 and prokr2-knockout mice. Injection of adeno-associated virus-double-floxed prokr2 in suprachiasmatic nucleus could partly restore evening activity in Nestin-Cre; Zbtb20fl/fl (NS-ZB20KO) mice. Furthermore, loss of Zbtb20 in Foxg1 loci, but intact in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, was not responsible for the unimodal activity of NS-ZB20KO mice. Our study provides evidence that ZBTB20-mediated pROKR2 signaling is critical for the evening behavioral rhythms.

