来自南京大学模式动物研究所的石云实验室发表了题为“GluA1 Signal peptide Determines the Spatial Assembly of Heteromeric AMpA Receptors”的研究论文,揭示了每个AMpA受体由两个GluA1和两个GluA2蛋白亚基构成,并且有着固定的空间排列,称作1-2-1-2构型。
为了揭示这种异源AMpA受体的分子构成以及空间结构,石云教授等人设计了一个巧妙的实验。他们以同源AMpA受体(GluA2四聚体)的晶体结构为模板,使用Cysteine Crosslinking的技术来探究各个蛋白亚基之间的接触面,从而揭示异源AMpA受体的空间排列。石云实验室的研究揭示了每个AMpA受体由两个GluA1和两个GluA2蛋白亚基构成,并且有着固定的空间排列,称作1-2-1-2构型。
石云,博士 教授 生理学
2007, ph.D., Georgia State University
2008-2012, postdoctoral Scholar, University of California at San Francisco,
1. 中枢神经系统突触生理。
2. 谷氨酸受体调节亚单位的生理功能以及在病理过程中的作用。
3. 谷氨酸受体的上膜转运和突触定位的机制。
4. 离子通道的结构和功能。
GluA1 Signal peptide Determines the Spatial Assembly of Heteromeric AMpA Receptors
AMpA-type glutamate receptors (AMpARs) mediate fast excitatory neurotransmission and predominantly assemble as heterotetramers in the brain. Recently, the crystal structures of homotetrameric GluA2 demonstrated that AMpARs are assembled with two pairs of conformationally distinct subunits, in a dimer of dimers formation. However, the structure of heteromeric AMpARs remains unclear. Guided by the GluA2 structure, we performed cysteine mutant cross-linking experiments in full-length GluA1/A2, aiming to draw the heteromeric AMpAR architecture. We found that the amino-terminal domains determine the first level of heterodimer formation. When the dimers further assemble into tetramers, GluA1 and GluA2 subunits have preferred positions, possessing a 1–2–1–2 spatial assembly. By swapping the critical sequences, we surprisingly found that the spatial assembly pattern is controlled by the excisable signal peptides. Replacements with an unrelated GluK2 signal peptide demonstrated that GluA1 signal peptide plays a critical role in determining the spatial priority. Our study thus uncovers the spatial assembly of an important type of glutamate receptors in the brain and reveals a novel function of signal peptides.