Nature Plants发表国家自然科学基金项目研究成果
花器官的排列一般有轮状和螺旋状两种方式。在轮状排列时,花器官的数目在种内基本固定;但在螺旋状排列时,花器官的数目往往不固定,表现出种内甚至个体内的变异,说明花的基本结构具有可塑性。导致花器官数目和花基本结构不固定的原因和机制尚不清楚。中国科学院植物研究所孔宏智研究组以毛茛科大马士革黑种草(Nigella damascena)为研究材料,对这一问题进行了探讨。
该研究于12月8日在线发表在Nature plants 期刊上。孔宏智研究组博士生王培培、廖虹和博士毕业生张文根为该文的并列第一作者。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金和中科院创新交叉团队项目的资助。
Flexibility in the structure of spiral flowers and its underlying mechanisms
Spiral flowers usually bear a variable number of organs, suggestive of the flexibility in structure. The mechanisms underlying the flexibility, however, remain unclear. Here we show that in Nigella damascena, a species with spiral flowers, different types of floral organs show different ranges of variation in number. We also show that the total number of organs per flower is largely dependent on the initial size of the floral meristem, whereas the respective numbers of different types of floral organs are determined by the functional domains of corresponding genetic programmes. By conducting extensive expression and functional studies, we further elucidate the genetic programmes that specify the identities of different types of floral organs. Notably, the AGL6-lineage member NdAGL6, rather than the Ap1-lineage members NdFL1/2, is an A-function gene, whereas petaloidy of sepals is not controlled by Ap3- or pI-lineage members. Moreover, owing to the formation of a regulatory network, some floral organ identity genes also regulate the boundaries between different types of floral organs. On the basis of these results, we propose that the floral organ identity determination programme is highly dynamic and shows considerable flexibility. Transitions from spiral to whorled flowers, therefore, may be explained by evolution of the mechanisms that reduce the flexibility.